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The Late
Bruce Mounsey

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Bruce Mounsey
I am a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ.
Loving  His church in its varied, shapes, sizes, and traditions.
I have pastored a local Christian fellowship in Gisborne, N.Z. 
I have spent ten years in the U.K. involved in mission. 
My concern is for the future of  churches in our nation.
My desire is to encourage different models of church for the future.
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We all pray.
The disciples asked Jesus,"Lord teach us to pray."
They realized there was more to learn about prayer.
We learn by doing. We improve with practise
Prayer is a dialogue not a monologue.
It is a two way conversation of speaking and listening.
The Journey.
hat will we take with us on the journey?
What will we leave behind?
What will we discard along the way?
Who will travel with us?
Communion "Who will you serve?"
What is his name?
Jesus Emmanuel. God with us
Jesus Prince of Peace. Do not be afraid.
Jesus Mighty God. Nothing is impossible.
Future church
Jesus said, "I will build my church"
What will church of the future look like?
How will it be different from the past?
In what areas do we need to change?
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Treasures Old and New

Matthew 13:52

How can we use old and new treasures for building the future?

What are our anxieties and anticipations for the future?

In 5 years will your group/church look the same or different?


The Parable of the Jigsaw Puzzle

Jesus told parables, and sometimes giving interpretations.
Other times the listeners had to discover the meaning for themselves.
Discover the difference between our jigsaw and His jigsaw
What does the future look like? How do the pieces fit together?
What are the mistakes we make in trying to discern the future?

Turning Stones to Bread

Matthew 4:1-4

The opportunity to turn stones in to bread.
What are the stones we throw?
Bruising or building up the family of God?
Choosing to throw stones or pass bread?

Gospel and Culture

John 4:1-42

Imagine…. what happened when Jesus stayed two nights in a Samaritan village
Who did he stay with?
Why did the disciples sleep under the stars?
Jesus was radical, a risk taker. He crossed cultural and religious boundaries
He was not afraid of being misunderstood.

The Yoke            

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said,

“Come to me, take my yoke upon you,  and learn from me”

The yoke is used as an illustration of learning with Jesus.

1: Learning new things

2: Unlearning truth and tradition.

3: Relearning what has been lost or forgotten.

A disciple is a lifelong learner.

Learning from Children -

Matthew 11:25-26

As adults we can learn from children.

We need to rediscover the child within us.

Appreciate the beautiful simplicity and certainty of children.

What would Jesus say at our funerals?  

John 11:25-26

What challenging,  comforting,  insightful  words of life

would he speak to us?
What would he say to to those of  us

who still have life before us? 

Throwing Stones

JOHN 8:1-11

We need to drop the stones that we throw at each other.
Hear Jesus words “Neither do I condemn you”

for our secrets from the past
Imagine what possibly happened to the woman

after she left Jesus?

The Sowers Creed

 Matthew 13:1-23

Our creed,  is what we believe

I believe in .....

The sower, the soil, the seed, in sowing,

in harvesting, and multiplying.

We are all sowers working together as a team.



Jesus Prayer

John 17:1-26.

John 17 is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus

Praying for protection, unity and love,

and the present and future church.                                              Matthew 26:26-46. The most intense short prayer of  Jesus 

for himself . The war is lost or won in Gethsemane

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